Quickly find new sellers NOW while building a system that sends you consistent & predictable referrals...
It's Time To Up Your Game With The
BRO MEMBERS: You have access to the 5-Day Referral Challenge with your membership. Simply log on and look under Accountability Programs.
In today's market, a seller is far more valuable than a buyer.
That is because each home being sold is generating multiple offers in a matter of days.
Representing a buyer in this market is a little bit like playing a slot machine- they may get their offer accepted or they may need to try again.
Sellers are much more like a vending machine- they are nearly guaranteed to get the payout they're expecting (or even better!).
That is why we are offering the most current 5-Day Referral Challenge with an emphasis on dialogues & strategies that find sellers FAST...
What would it mean to you, waking up knowing that you could generate “3 Referrals in 5 Days”, generate NEW SELLERS on demand... and do it week after week if you choose?
Let's face it, for some of you, asking for referrals makes you cringe, but you realize that building your referral skills is a smart and inexpensive way to build your business to where you want it to be.
Maybe you feel stuck, the new challenges we face in Real Estate today have you stalled, and you’re trying your best to push past what’s holding you back...
...for others, you’re looking for a way to give your team the referral-generating skills and training that will help build them up and push them forward... especially as we head into the unknown and this new way of doing business.
Here's the good news...
If you have a list of at least 50 people... you may be surprised to see what can happen for you with this 5-Day Referral Challenge.
Here's the REALLY good news...
If you have a list of 150 or more... you are practically sitting on a gold mine of untapped referral opportunities.
"The best part is three of my former clients I contacted called me back and they all now want to buy!! Count them - 3!!!. I would highly recommend you take this course... I promise you, you will not be disappointed. I joined By Referral Only, and this course really kick-started my year.” - Bonnie B.
"This program is very simple and keeps me on track. Joe has provided all of the tools to make this happen. I love the daily calls and how we are coached on how to use each tool and how we can implement the program so we can get the referrals. I was calling a past client that I hadn’t spoke to in a while, and he had become engaged and now wants to buy a new home. If it wasn’t for this program I wouldn’t have made that connection.” - Craig LaMar
“ I love the thought that when I call people they are happy to hear from me. I've gained the confidence to call the people and share that I care about them. Thank you for teaching me to make money with my words.” - Shelly Ragan
The challenge is only $49...This covers your materials, the training (lead by Coach Dan Paris), private group coaching, accountability, and support.
Plus, the more you participate, the more prizes you can win! (More on what you get below.)
Obviously, we could easily charge more for this kind of exclusive coaching and access (Remember, these trainings for 45 minutes for 5 days in a row)...
...and we generally reserve this kind of access to only By Referral Only members, even charging upwards of $500 - $5000 for some of our more exclusive coaching groups, but…
One thing that these last year has done is to remind us that we need to GIVE more than ever to ensure our industry and our By Referral Only community as a whole (members or not)... not only survive... but come out of this thing with even more skills and tools than before.
We believe in this program so much that we're also GUARANTEEING that you’ll walk away from this 5-Day Challenge with exactly what you need to generate at least 3 referrals or your money back!*
*All you have to do is attend all 5 45-minute classes, do the assignments and complete the steps, and if you do not get 3 referrals from those actions, then just let us know and we will refund your investment 100%. It’s that simple.
We'll meet via Zoom for 45 minutes each day, my top coach Dan Paris, will lead you through the 5-Day Referral Challenge daily video lessons and be your guide in this LIVE training each day for 5 days at 8-8:45am PT on April 12-16 (recordings will be available after each live class). Ask questions, get support, make REAL progress... this is hands-on and the ultimate for accountability!
VALUE: $597.00
Loaded with instruction, tools, references, scripts and assignments. These will be tools you can refer back to anytime you need a refresher on your referral-getting skills.
VALUE: $125.00
Because we want each and every challenge participant to end up with a raving success story, we have decided to put our money where our mouth is. My ENTIRE success team is ready to meet with each participant as needed to be sure you get exactly what you need to walk away with at least 3 solid referrals in our 5 days together. Not only that, but they will be available to participants for the 30 DAYS after the Challenge to continue to support you and keep you motivated.
VALUE: $239.00
This is where you will be a part of an exciting community of like-minded real estate and lending professionals ALL focused on learning, experiencing and mastering the art of getting referrals and building thriving businesses. Anytime you need help, support or advice just post to the group and we will be there for you.
Get ready for straight-forward video training, steps, examples and more to help get you stay on track in 2021. Everyone knows they are missing important steps in their marketing plan, but do you know the most effective methods for generating new leads, referrals and reaching more people? These 8 trainings reveal it all and give you some of my best marketing pieces to SWIPE and DEPLOY!
VALUE: $97.00
People are scared to sell these days. They fear not being able to find a new home in time. This completely written-for-you letter shows them how you have a plan to help them, takes away the worry and fear, and opens the conversation for you to help them sell and/or buy... NOW! Coach Dan will walk you through this strategy during the Challenge.
VALUE: $29.00
Most agents think about marketing a home and ignore the opportunity to market their buyers. This is the perfect letter to introduce your buyer to the neighborhood and generate a listing before it hits the market. Coach Dan is excited to show you how this letter works.
VALUE: $29.00
My experts will identify where you are in your business right now, and help you map out your plan of attack to get you to where you want to be despite today's challenges. They are highly skilled in identifying what’s missing and what will make the most impact for your marketing dollars (and time). They are all yours to ask questions and get the help (and maybe a kick in the pants) you need to really get things moving forward in today's challenging market.
VALUE: $175.00
We will send you a downloadable copy giving you 89 pages of referral scripts for every situation. This will quickly become your go-to source for the words to say to make YOU a Referral-Getting Master.
VALUE: $59.00
For 21 days, starting on day 1 of your challenge, I will start you off each morning with a TEXT MESSAGE with the fresh thinking you need to make the most out of every day of this journey. This is by far one of the most popular By Referral Only Member perks, but you'll get it for free during your challenge journey.
VALUE: $29.00
This is the really fun part!
It's all about "Showing Up"!
Throughout your 5 days, you’ll earn points for taking action... or simply "showing up" and taking part. Each point gets your name in a drawing to win some pretty awesome prizes at the end of our 5 days together. So the more you SHOW UP - actions you take, steps you complete, interactions you create - the more chances you get to earn prizes.
THREE FULL MONTHS of By Referral Only Referral Postcard Mailings
VALUE $741.00 (includes setup fee and postage)
Minimum of 50 contacts and maximum mailing of 150 postcards each month.
VALUE $500.00
By Referral Only SWAG BAG
VALUE $319.00
$50 Amazon Gift Card
VALUE $50.00
So not only will you get your 3 referrals (which will earn you the commission on THREE transactions) BUT you also have a chance to earn some pretty awesome swag and gifts. It’s a WIN-WIN.
Yes, you have to show up to the 5 trainings (recordings will be provided but they cannot replace the LIVE interaction you’ll get with Coach Dan in the live sessions)
Yes, there will be homework…
Yes, you might even win one of the fabulous prizes...
But most importantly... every day you’ll be taking the steps to build up your referral skills, get more new listings, and in turn, build a stronger, more successful business.
So my question for you is…
By the time our 5 days are complete you will have what you need to generate 3 referrals... AND... do it over and over every 5 days if you put in the time.
In the past, we have only offered this training to By Referral Only Members…
You are getting the same exclusive access, training and accountability...all for just one payment of $79 $49. Seriously… that’s less than a take-out meal for your family.
This is no ordinary referral training. It’s the training that thousands of Agents and Lenders take, sometimes multiple times a year, to continue to raise their referral-generating game and skill, plus move their businesses up the success ladder.
We look forward to seeing you on the inside!
Agents & Lenders LOVE This 5-Day Challenge!
“Great experience. I love that Joe and By Referral Only gave me 3 leads and 6 great conversations/ reconnections and better attitude, determination, techniques and confidence this week. I am determined to make the rest of the calls!.”
- Chrissy Piazza
“One day can change everything. And that's what today's coaching did for me!. Excited to be back on the right pathway with a clear purpose: I love the thought that I plant HAPPY All over my people and offer them the GIFT of my time, help and expertise to give to the people they care about who may need my help."
- Craig LaMar
"I’ve done this program many times over the years and it always increases my connections and business. The numbers tell the story and the story is that I always get more than 2 referrals. I highly encourage people to attend this program."
- Mike Tobin
“This has been a time of growth and personal breakthrough for me. And I look forward to taking the class at least once a quarter.”
- Tricia LaMotte
“It pushed me to make the calls and gave me verbiage to be successful!"
- Holly Mount
"I love the thought that Joe, Dan and the people in this class gave me the courage to step out of my comfort zone to be able to grow."
- Kristen T.
*Disclaimer: The above results ARE typical. That’s why I am backing it with a 100% Money-Back Guarantee. If you attend all 5 of the 45-minute classes, do the assignments and complete the steps and you do not walk away with 3 referrals from those actions then just let us know and we will refund your investment. It’s that simple.
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